WTF – Witness the martial arts majesty of Systema in action

The martial arts magic of Systema is back on the chopping block, and there's a lot to cut off this one. Also... knockouts!!

By: Victor Rodriguez | 7 days
WTF – Witness the martial arts majesty of Systema in action
Nope. It's not gonna end well.

Hello, kids. Love isn’t the only thing in the air today. We’ve got what you crave when it comes to the good, the bad and the utterly deranged in all things martial arts. And there’s a lot of each. As the main course, we return to one of my favorite things to goof on, the humble art of Systema.

As usual, please remember to submit your mailbag questions over to [email protected]. Do your questions have to be exclusively about fighting? absolutely not. I don’t care if it’s about the mating habits of capybaras. Shoot me a question, none of us has anything to lose.

Systema is no limits martial arts

You know, I’ve been accused of hating Kung Fu for some time by some commenters here. I need to clear the air: I love Kung Fu. It was the first of many martial arts I truly fell in love with, and I’ll always hold it near and dear to my heart. It’s just not my fault that the majority of online grifters, frauds, conmen and deluded masters happen to be from that side of the martial arts arena.

But if there’s one discipline that can show itself to be goofier on any given day, it’s Systema. It’s just fact. No other martial art can base itself on absurd nonsense wrapped around kernels of truth the way Systema does. To see it in action is truly remarkable, because like any good piece of BS, it usually begins with some sound principles.

But I just love seeing this clownshoes stuff in action. I can’t look away. Each impractical technique is more brazen and insane than the last. If they’re consistent with one thing, it’s making sure to raise the stakes every single time you watch a compilation. Systema is truly the king of weird and bad in my book.

We begin where we usually do, with our buddy Jerry over at Fight Commentary Breakdowns. In a collection that should be viewed in its entirety, there’s a meaty portion here dealing exclusively with Systema.

Well, the title makes it sound bad, but it can’t be that… oh, lord…

Portly Systema instructor smiles as he has training partner paralyzed.

Ryabko, my old friend. Even in death, he haunts me. Look, I don’t mean to disrespect the deceased. I mean that. This isn’t some cowardly way to find an out before skewering this cavalcade of absurdity. That also doesn’t mean we need to treat the actual content with kid gloves. Observe.

Portly Systema instructor pokes at a few pressure points on training partner.
Portly Systema instructor pokes at more pressure points on training partner.
Portly Systema instructor pokes at even more pressure points on training partner.
Portly Systema instructor smiles as training partner seizes up.
Portly Systema instructor smiles more as training partner seizes up.

Baby, what is we doin’? There’s no need for this whatsoever. My man hit him with a pressure point combo so bad that the crew from Fist of the North Star should have sent this man at least five fruit baskets. He’s so proud, too. Aw, good on him.

Next we have another instructor, who may be the same instructor from this legendary gun disarm promo vid. It’s too blurry, and I can’t be 100% certain. But my man got some quality Systema to show you. Behold:

Systema instructor smacks forearm of knife attacker.
Systema instructor follows up by smacking and cradling head of opponent.

This is the real Power Slap, kids. Swift motions leading to smacking dudes in the MOUF. Check out this knife disarm combo:

Systema instructor prepares for incoming knife attack
Systema instructor strikes at the wrist of the assailant to disarm the knife.
Systema instructor controls the wrist of the now disarmed knife attacker
Systema instructor turns opponent and flicks his thumb under their chin.
Systema instructor has training partner fall back after flicking his thumb under opponent's chin.

Block the knife to knock it out of the assailant’s hand, then manipulate the wrist. Grab your partner, do-si-do, then flick your thumb for a KO. You can’t be serious, man. There’s so much partner compliance, and the most insulting part is them thinking the audience won’t know it. I’ll say it every time: this is reckless and irresponsible to teach. Do this, and you’re gonna get hurt. Badly.

What’s that? You think I’m exaggerating or being too pessimistic? Rationalize this:

Systema instructor has training partner place a knife to his back
Systema instructor moves forward to avoid being stabbed in the back, training partner just stands there.
Systema instructor kicks his foot back and knocks knife out of partner's hand.
Systema instructor kicks opponent's hand so hard the knife flies out of his hand.
After the Systema instructor has kicked the knife out of the training partner's hand, it goes flying and spinning into the air.

Go ahead and do that in real life. Lemme know how many holes they gotta sew up in you after you win the Swiss Cheese Award For Excellence. This goes beyond the point of being silly and veers into just being gross. This is why I clown on Systema so much. You can’t charge people money for this, come on. Go do some crossword puzzles or something, it’s a better use of your time.

Stick fighting, Portuguese style

Ever heard of Portuguese stick fighting? It doesn’t just sound interesting, it’s pretty cool to watch in practice. Check out another video courtesy of our guy Jerry over at Fight Commentary Breakdowns. It’s a classic from the vault detailing some basic tenets and techniques.

It starts off pretty slow, as most of these do. The fluidity, speed and flair demonstrated after the midway point are mesmerizing.

Graceful Silat

Check out this demonstration from 2017, covering a lot of elements of the art of Silat. This goes from bare-handed to weapons demonstration of various forms.

Karate knockouts!

Karate Combat hasn’t slowed down at all, and they’ve graced us with some amazing knockouts from KC: 43. Lots to pick at and pore over in this one. Enjoy.

More Karate? Sure!

We’re back in the land of Kyokushin, with a batch of more knockouts from back in the day. If you’re a fan of Andy Hug like me, you’ll love the Axe Kicks. If you’re fan of Rolling Thunder kicks… you’re gonna see some wild action. I can say without hesitation that this is my favorite thing of the week.

Day of the Terminator

Another throwback this week, kids. It’s time to go down Memory Lane and celebrate another innovator and staple of the competitive martial arts scene of years gone by. Dennis Alexio, better known as The Terminator, was a stupendous kickboxing talent that had a very impressive highlight reel. A highly decorated competitor that has trained in various disciplines, he had some amazing performances.

Unfortunately, he’s currently incarcerated after being tied up with some legal and financial issues. That doesn’t take away from his amazing career and spectacular talent.

Happy Valentine’s Day, or whatever.

Here, watch this. Or don’t. I dunno. Something, something, romance.

And that’s what we’ve got for the week, kids. Be kind to those around you, and yourselves. And remember – you might think you can fight, but there are many guys like you all over the world.

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About the author
Victor Rodriguez
Victor Rodriguez

Victor Rodriguez has been a writer and podcaster for Bloody Elbow since 2015. He started his way as a lowly commenter and moderator to become the miscreant he is now. He often does weekly bits on fringe martial arts items across the globe, oddball street combat pieces, previews, analysis, and some behind-the-scenes support. He has trained in wrestling, Karate, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and the occasional Muay Thai and Judo lesson here and there. Victor has also been involved with acting and audio editing projects. He lives in Pennsylvania where he plays way too many video games and is an S-rank dad.

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